代表講師 Jun Ito
出身地 神奈川県松田町
講師歴 15年以上(アシスタント含め)
資格 ・カナダにてTYC(teaching younger children)
・TOEIC 860点
趣味 音楽鑑賞 ピアノ演奏 旅行
キャリア 大手こども英会話教室で講師経験
Message from Jun
Hi, my name is Jun. I've been teaching English for more than 15 years here in Japan. When I was a university student, I learned German and English. After graduation, I went to Vancouver, Canada to study the methodology how to teach younger children English. Back from Canada, I helped some kids' classes at the local English language school as an assistant teacher and worked as a main teacher at Peppy Kids Club. Besides some teaching careers, I worked as an interpreter who helped some tourists from foreign countries in Hakone, one of the most popular sightseeing spots in Japan.
I love to explore some places I've never been to in my life. I'm sure English always makes my wishes come true. Learning English or another language will broaden your mind. I believe it's important to keep studying what you like in a fun way like playing sport or playing games so that you can continue for a long time. If you're interested in English or playing some boardgames at least, our school is the best for you. Let's have sort of an adventure to the new world in English together! I'm looking forward to having you as a study pal in the near future.
★小学生クラス アシスタント: Kikue
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